Starter. Premium. Community.

Create a Cookbook for FREE using our easy smart dashboard.
Purchase a package to unlock tons of extra features.
No subscriptions, EVER and we even refund the package when you order printed books.




Safe and secure recipe library
1 x blank template
Help articles, video tutorials, and guide
Customer support



USD $29

Print 5+ & we refund the $29 package on first order

Everything in Starter plus:

x Premium templates 
Preview flipbook
Unlimited premium photo library images
Customised recipe page layout
Invite others to contribute their recipes
Upload personal images alongside recipes
100s of ready-made design pages
Unlimited icons
Layout check prior to print
Priority customer support
Free ebook with 5+ printed books



USD $79

Print 50+ & we refund the $79 package on first order

Everything in Starter & Premium plus:

3 x premium templates
3 Ebook types with 50 printed books.
Customised public recipe request form
Our team completes the first-stage layout
Plus full design check before going to print.
Custom recipe fields
Custom font selection prior to layout
Invite others inside your layout
Collaborate with others inside the layout
Optional fundraiser tools, tips & templates

find the right package for you